2019 in preview: Wedding of the year

I tagged these "THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR". I believe BOBAD'09 (Bosco Old Boys Association Doma, set 2009) old boys will agree with me on that.

2019 ended with the Solemnization in Holy matrimony of one of BOBAD'09 great alumni Mr. Victor Okoliko (a.k.a DMX, a.k.a Skoppy) to his heartrob now Mrs. Leah Anana Okoliko. Please permit me to call her Mrs now and no more miss.

It was an occasion that will forever be evergreen. As fate may have it, the marriage was joined by an old boy of St. Johnbosco Secondary School, Doma (BOBAD) Rev. Fr. Timothy Kumah and it was well graced with personalities from every angle especially BOBAD 09 set whom will always represent to support their own anyday, anywhere and anyhow.

We from www.wilexnaija.blogspot.com is wishing Mr/Mrs. Victor Anana a blissful and happy home and many children (many Skoppy's)


Magabounce said…
This is beautiful. It's cool